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Oriental Philosophy

Introduction In this essay I am going to write about the oriental philosophy and their history. I choose this topic because I think that in general in the school and the university the attention is focus in the Occidental philosophy, for example in the school begin teach the Greek philosophy but nothing say about of the Hindu or Japanese philosophy. In general too the academic world not consider the oriental philosophy how a material to work with their essays because usually not are receive with seriously. In this essay I will explain and analyze the oriental philosophy, their history and ideas in comparison with the occidental philosophy, their similarity and difference. I begin write about the Hindu philosophy, after I will write about of Chinese philosophy for finish with the Japanese philosophy.   After I write the short reflection of the comparison between oriental and occidental philosophy.
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Report of my experience working in the center of rehabilitation

Introduction In this report I going to talk about of my experience working in the rehabilitation center of health in the district of Conchalí. I worked in this center for six weeks, I went six hours a day of Monday to Friday. In this job I talk with alcoholics and drugs addicts in general. Explication of because I choose this place All people have a history behind that many times explain their consume and problems with the system and the law that generally their function is create more poor people because the system need poor people with problems to maintain the order through the police and control forces, by this way is that excuse their existence. I decided work in this area because I think that this people can improve and resist the system attacks and their adversity. In my family we have problems with the substances and I think that was hard deal with this consumes but it can with love and support networks. Experience I think that was a very good experience, with many d

MP3 reproductor

Introduction The technology in general is used to satisfy necessity and make easier the people life. Exist all types of technology to resolve the people problems. In this case I going to write about to MP3 music reproductor, is a technology very usual in present and is very useful to travel with music and is a different and funny form of to go for a walk fot the street. Body This object is a tube of plastic with a chip that have a memory to collect songs in digital format and it reproduct the songs when is conected to an auricular. This equipment was invented to Karlheinz Brandenburg in Germany in 1995. The MP3 is a technology to listen to music and also is a digital format the music for computers and cellphones.  This object work when is conected in a computer to run through with music, a fter passing the music on the device, you put a battery and headphones are connected, are selected songs that want heard with buttons,  and pressing the button to play, gives you the op

Use of YouTube survey

YouTube is one of the most popular social networks in the world. YouTube is used daily by millions of people all over the world. In YouTube you can share videos and look at videos from other people. Questions: 1.-Do you have an account on YouTube? a) Yes   b) No    c) yes, but I didn’t use it   d)No, but I pretend to create one soon. 2.-How much time do you spend daily in YouTube. a)1 hour  b) 2 hours  c) more than 3 hours  d) more than 10 hours 3. - Which kind of video do you like to look at in YouTube? a) Music  b) Games  c) Comedy  d) Educational videos 4.-How often do you share videos in YouTube? a) Always  b)Sometimes  c) Almost never  d) Never 5.- Do you interact with your friends in YouTube? a) Always  b)Sometimes  c) Almost never  d) Never 6.- How often do you comment videos in YouTube? a) Always  b)Sometimes  c) Almost never  d) Never 7.- Do you recommend YouTube to other friends? a) Always  b)Sometimes  c) Almost n

The crack consume in the ghettos of Chile

Background:  The “Crack” or “Pasta base” in Chile is the residue of cocaine but more detrimental. In this country this drug appeared during the dictatorship when the soldiers wanted break up the politic resistance.  The crack consume is an important problem in a lot of districts of Chile because this drugs produce many addiction, who consume pasta base generally lose weight, lose reasoning and begin to steal, all for continue consuming this substance. The consequences not only present problems in who consume, also have an effect on families, neighbors and anybody that have relation with who consume. Problem:  This drug usually is deal in poor zones and generates other problems in the ghettos. Also the drugs dealers are very violent and threaten to the neighbors, they converted the suburbs in danger places with their illegal economics conflicts and their drugs that do the neighbors fight between them. The conflicts generate also gun-fights and more assaults to innocent p

Introduction of dialectic

In this text I am going to work the topic of the dialectic in the occidental philosophy. I am going to do a historical contextualization about of the authors that write about this topic and their   theoretical influence. I begin explaining to Kant how precedent of Hegel. Hegel is who coined the concept of dialectic, but after other thinkers it used to develop their own theories and they added new things to complete or question the first theory. After of Hegel other author developed this concept, this author is Marx, who questioned theoreticaly the ideas of Hegel and this philosopher derived to the other ideas about of the concept of dialectic. I consider that this topic is very important to be able to understand the modern philosophy and the development of other political theories of the left movements in these last centuries. The philosophy and politics are very associated and we use to explain historical phenomenons.


Javier Fernández Maturana is a Social Work student that is in second year of his carreer in the Universidad de Chile. He loves study Social Sciencies and Philosophy. He approves all his subjects with a perfect mark. He is talented to write academics text, search bibliography and he is very meticulous to present his work. He specialize in themes of drugs, penitentiary   and delinquency. He loves study about social history of Chile and Argentina. His approach to work the social intervention is the post-estructuralism because he consider that the postestructuralism approach offer excelents tools to Social Work. In his free time he organized activities to community in his district, also he paint graffiti and practice muralism sometimes, besides he sing rap music in the public transport. In this moment he study Social Work and he create a handmade editorial of political books where he think public classic editions an own productions. He want be acepted in this university because he co